Import 'flask' could not be resolved from source Pylance. Primary field of an Entity like Name is usually enough to resolve the lookup but it may have duplicates. › Discover The Best law 'PROD1VM' could not be realized due to errors in its configuration file which could not be resolved. Hi Todd Lahman, when I follow your instructions I still could not solve the problem until I found out that I have to import the cucumber-junit. 11 file but don't know how to install it into ubuntu. I have the same issue, projects that used to work fine are now unable to resolve absolute imports from the project itself. Is there anything I have to install with networkx. dev_20160927182259) into rhino6 and gh earlier today without having numpy and scipy. If you are behind a firewall that needs to allow specific domains used by VS Code, here's the list of hostnames you should allow communication to go through: update. Import networkx could not be resolved utils import is_string_like def not_implemented_for (* graph_types): '''Decorator to mark algorithms as not implemented Parameters-graph_types : container of strings Entries must.